In the world of dating the no call or the no call return works both ways. Hours of conversation is exchanged between the sexes then usually the male asks the female for her phone number. The way it should work is that the male calls within a week then the female picks up or if she’s busy calls back in a reasonable time. But anyone and everyone who’s been the jungle of the adult dating scene knows it usually doesn’t work like that. Now years of research and us males who’ve been in the trenches long enough know that getting a girls phone number doesn’t mean shit. First off a girl with low self-esteem will waste your time chatting you up all night and not even be interested in you but still give you her number. Some girls just love the attention of guys talking to them and give out their phone numbers like candy on Halloween. Other girls will give you their number just so you’ll stop talking to them and go away. Immature twatwaffles give out fake numbers.